8 years of chasing my dream job - "Flight Attendant"
This dream became a desperation when I already reach the certain age when I'm almost 30. It all started way back in 2010 when I was a fresh graduate in interior design. Although its a bit too far from the job that I really wanted to pursue because my parents owns a furniture business and the reason why I took up the course of Interior Design was to help my parents in their business. While I'm still there I decided to go on a different direction and start to apply in the airline industries. The very first airline I applied for was Zest Air before it was Air Asia now. I wasn't ready for an interview and I had no idea what to do when applying that job. Because I was too nervous I failed the interview and applied to the next airline which is Air Philippines before it was Pal Express. I had no idea why my height and weight was measured and told me only because of that I wasn't able to pass again the interview. Until I have tried most airlines here in Metro Manila li...